Are Pharaoh Ants Invading Your Richmond Home?

a pharaoh ant infestation

There are many different species of ants that you might find in Richmond, and Pharaoh ants are one of them. These pests are famous for being one of the most difficult types of ants to remove from homes and businesses. You might see Pharaoh ants in your home if you’ve recently experienced bad weather, as they come inside to seek shelter and find food. Once inside, they make themselves at home.

At Allied Termite and Pest Control of Greater Richmond, it is our mission to give you the best Richmond pest control coverage with our services and the best information to keep you informed. 

Where Do Pharaoh Ants Get Their Name?

The Pharaoh ant is thought to be native to the African continent, which is where they get their name. Pharaoh ants have surrounding folklore, though. One speculation is that this pest received its name thousands of years ago during ancient Egyptian plagues. In older literature, it was referred to as the Pharaoh’s ant, not the Pharaoh ant. Mistakenly, it suggested this ant was part of a legendary Egyptian biblical outbreak. The Pharaoh ant can be found all over the world, often carried by trade and commerce.

How To Tell If Pharaoh Ants Are On Your Property

These ants are amber-colored and have dark brown striped markings. Compared to other species of ants, Pharaoh ants have relatively small colonies. Unlike some colonies that are known to reach massive proportions and house nearly 8,000 ants, the Pharaoh ant colony tops out at about 2000 members. In these colonies, only one male will breed with a queen, and she will produce on average of 400 eggs every time they mate. She has an average life span of eight months, though in ideal conditions, she can live for a full year.

Outside, these ants can be found in shaded areas near a water source. Inside, they live under carpets, behind walls, and below the floors. Their colonies will spread quickly and create satellite colonies around the general area. Because of their small numbers and split colonies, it can be difficult to spot a Pharaoh ant infestation on your property.

What Attracts Pharaoh Ants?

Pharaoh ants are water-loving insects, and often cause trouble in hospitals in their search for hydration. Pharaoh ants are notorious for spreading disease in medical facilities like:

  • Staphylococcus
  • Clostridium
  • Streptococcus
  • Salmonellosis

They can spread these pathogens around your home as well, but in care facilities, they are notorious.

Like all creatures, they are attracted to specific locations for food and shelter too. If there has been any disruption of land near your property or bad weather recently, it could drive Pharaoh ants in from the outside.

Pharaoh ants can bite when threatened, although they are not nearly as aggressive as fire ants. However, you probably still want to avoid Pharaoh ant bites for obvious reasons. Because these creatures have become so adaptable and evasive, traditional repellent methods don't often work well and pharaoh ant repellent for your home may prove ultimately ineffective.

How To Keep Pharaoh Ants Away From Your Yard

These little bugs have traveled the world and back. Due to their globetrotting reputation, it’s made them extremely adaptable and aware of humans. If you have an ant problem and suspect that it could be Pharaoh ants, give Allied Termite and Pest Control of Greater Richmond a call. We provide Pharaoh ant extermination near you. We're proud to offer our customers fair competitive rates and excellent customer service with our home pest control and commercial pest control services.
